Deepak Mittal


Master Data Scientist II at AI Center of Excellence, Deloitte

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Deepak Mittal

About Me

I am currently working as Master Data Scientist II at AI Center of Excellence, Deloitte. I am working in the intersection of Computer Vision and Deep Learning. I am also exploring Self Supervised Learning methods in Speech Processing.
I am also a first year PhD (External) scholar at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad under the supervision of Dr. Vineeth N Balasubramanian. Prior to that I completed my M.S. (Research) under the supervision of Dr. Balaraman Ravindran and co-guided by Dr. Gitakrishnan Ramadurai from the Department of Computer Science and Technology , Indian Institute of Technology Madras . My thesis was focused on Model compression and Filter Pruning in Deep Convolutional Networks. I also worked on Vehicle Detection in Heterogeneous traffic scenarios. My M.S. research was sponsored by Intel India Research.

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You can find my M.S. dissertation here: Exploring the Plasticity of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Work Experience


deepak [at] cse [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in.